Students, parents, and community members will find useful links to all types of important information from the links below and the pages on the left.
Parent Concerns Regarding Students
Moore County Schools understands that there are times when parents may have concerns that they feel should be addressed at the Central Office level. If a parent has a concern regarding a teacher that remains unresolved after a parent-teacher conference, it will be necessary to speak with the Principal or send an email. Please refer to the Policy 1740/4010 for Student Grievances. After first talking with the teacher and principal about their concern, if a parent feels it necessary to contact a Central Office Administrator, they may contact the Office for Student Support Services at 910.947.2976. The Office of Student Support Services serves as the primary point of contact for all parent concerns related to students.
Enrolling Your Child
Visit Enrolling Your Child for information about your child's home school, the documents needed and the on-line registration form.
School Hours/Bell Schedule
The regular time school is in session, the earliest students can be dropped off and the after school program time for each school is listed on the School Hours page. For early release days, students are dismissed four hours after the start of their school day. School closings and delays due to inclement weather are posted to our home page, social media and news outlets.
Home Base/Parent Portal
The Parent Portal may be used to view student grades, attendance and other academic information online. This portal is offered through PowerSchool, the web-based student information system. Visit the Home Base/Parent Portal for more information.
The athletic programs of Moore County Schools exist to provide positive and productive school experiences while teaching valuable life lessons, including the importance of hard work, dedication, ethics and teamwork. Student participation in athletics is a privilege that carries with it responsibilities to self, to team, to school and to community. For a list of sports offered, practice times, game schedules and physical forms, visit the Athletics page.
Attendance Area
Parents who are unsure as to the attendance area in which they reside should call the Transportation Department for Moore County Schools, at 910.947.5481. An Attendance Area Map is also provided as a guide that shows major streets and school locations.
Advisory Councils
Moore County Schools is committed to clear, accurate and transparent communication with our community. This commitment is partly realized through the establishment and sustaining work of a number of advisory councils that serve internal and external stakeholders of Moore County Schools. Our Superintendent, Dr. Locklair, recognizes the importance of each individual's voice in our community and desires these advisory councils as a network to share two-way communication. More information about the different advisory councils, how to join and when they meet is available on the Advisory Councils page.
School Report Cards
School report cards offer important data such as school performance grades, Read to Achieve data, college enrollment statistics and Advanced Placement (AP) examination participation and performance data. The Planning Accountability and Research Department (PAR) provides information about each school's current School Report Cards, as does the North Carolina School Report Cards website.
Communicable Diseases Guidelines
In the event a child is sick, coming back to school after an illness or needing to leave school when sick, parents should be familiar with the school district's procedures for children coming to school who have communicable diseases and/or infestation: Communicable Diseases - Students.
End-of-Grade and End-of-Course Achievement Levels
Download the Academic Achievement Standards adopted by the North Carolina State Board of Education.
Is Your Email Not Getting Through?
For information to unblock your email to Moore County Schools' email addresses, visit theTechnology Department website.
High School Course Guides
The Curriculum Department provides updated High School Course Guides with information about each course offered.

Bullying and Harassment
Moore County Schools does not tolerate acts of harassment, including, but not limited to, harassment based on race, color or national origin. The District is committed to promptly investigating and addressing any reports of such harassment. It is the District's goal and desire that all students, parents and staff work together cooperatively and intentionally to prevent harassment of any kind.
Any student or staff member found after investigation to have engaged in harassment or other prohibited acts that create a hostile environment based on race, color or national origin will be appropriately disciplined. Any student or employee who believes that he/she has been subjected to harassment or a hostile environment based on race, color or national origin is encouraged to report that contention to the school principal or supervisor without delay so that a prompt investigation can be conducted.
Supervisor for Schools
Tracy Metcalf, Director for Student Support Services
PO Box 1180
Carthage, NC 28327
Dr. Pam Patterson, Assistant Superintendent for Human Resources
PO Box 1180
Carthage, NC 28327
Moore County Schools Safety Hotline
Moore County Schools has a safety reporting hotline. If you have information you would like to report, please contact us via one of the methods below. All calls are confidential. You may remain anonymous. Rewards may be offered. Call: 910.947.5061; Text 910.986.6614, or Report Online.
State-Required Immunizations for Entry to Moore County Schools
This document contains information about North Carolina's state-required immunizations. Although Moore County Schools is pleased to supply this information to our parents and guardians, questions about state-required immunizations should be directed to the Moore County Heath Department by calling 910.947.3300. Additional information is available through the NC Department of Health and Human Services.
End-of-Year Testing
At the end of each school year, statewide standardized tests are given to measure how well students have learned the knowledge and skills outlined in the North Carolina Standard Course of Study. End-of-Grade (EOG) tests are taken by elementary and middle school students. End-of-Course (EOC) tests are taken by high school students. More information is available on the End-of-Year Testing page.
Other Resources
Information for Military Families
Online Tutoring Services for Army-Affiliated Students
Student Accident Insurance Coverage
Federal Programs
Information about Title I, Race to the Top, Federal Programs and Grants