Moore County's School Improvement Plans page

School Improvement Plans

School Improvement

As required by North Carolina General Statute and Moore County Schools Board Policy, each School Improvement Team has collaborated on the creation of a school improvement plan for the next two academic school years. Each respective school staff has voted to approve their plans before finally being reviewed and approved by the Board of Education. Full Text of NC G.S. 115C-105.27 

The school improvement plans can be found on the NCStar web-based tool that guides a school team to manage the continuous improvement process. All visiting community members can use a guest login to review school improvement plans.

Login Page -
NCStar Guest Login Information by School - Listed below or click HERE

logins for webpage

What is School Improvement?

  • The process of analyzing, through a comprehensive needs assessment, the data to determine areas for improvement related to students' learning.
  • The goal is to determine effective instructional practices and methods to ensure schools are growing students and increasing proficiency in all subgroups through actionable steps that are consistently measured, assessed, and modified if needed.
  • The result is a living school improvement plan focused on student achievement and aligned to the MCS District Strategic Plan.

Moore County Schools welcomes all stakeholders into the continuous improvement process by allowing "view-only" capability and "real-time" transparency of the school improvement plan process to all staff, district personnel, school board members, and parents. The figure below defines the NCStar components found on the landing page.

ncstar guest view

For questions, feedback, or additional information, please contact your school principal. 

  • Moore County Schools
  • 5277 Hwy. 15-501 South, Carthage, NC28327
  • 910-947-2976
  • 910-947-3011
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