All medication, prescription and/or over-the-counter drugs that parents want provided to their child at school must have a physician's order accompanying the medication/. The Request for Medication Administration in School Form (Spanish) must be completed in its entirety, on one sheet of paper with the front page being the physician order, and the back the parent authorization.
Medication of any type must be brought to school by the parent/guardian in the original container with the Request form Medication Administration at School completed by the physician and the parent/guardian.
If your child must have medication of any type, including over-the-counter drugs given during school hours, you have the choices described in the Letter to Parent Regarding Administration of Medication at School (Spanish). As a parent, it is very important to know that school personnel will not administer any medications to student unless the conditions described in the letter above are met.
Meeting Health Needs During School
In order to best care for children during the school day, the school nurse must be aware of health concerns that exist. Parents are asked to complete a health history when they enroll their child in Moore County Schools. Please contact the school nurse any time during the year when there are changes or newly developed health conditions. Communication is the key to making sure students' health needs are met during the school day. Remember: Healthy Children Learn Better!
The school nurse uses the information from the health history to identify which students need Care Plans/Emergency Action Plans during the school year. The plan tells the nurse and staff how to care for a student's medical condition during the school day. The plan is developed by the nurse with input from the parent/guardian and at times the student's doctor. Examples of students' who need plans would be those with asthma (Spanish) , allergies (Spanish) and seizures (Spanish). Additional common care plans can be found here. These plans may be printed off and completed with the input of your healthcare provider. Other care plans can also be tailored specific to your child's health care needs. Please contact the school nurse for any needed translations or for additional care plans.
Medications During School
For students who require medications at school, please refer to Moore County Schools Board of Education's policy 6125 Administration of Medication and policy 4304,H,6401.Rule lll-6: Narcotics Alcoholic Beverages, Controlled Substances, Chemicals and Drug Paraphernalia for complete information. Each principal shall determine which employees will administer medication.
Also important to parents, Required Health Assessment for School Entry.