Moore County's Volunteers page


Moore County Schools welcomes, endorses, and encourages the use of volunteers in the schools.

Am I a Visitor or a Volunteer?

Who is a visitor?
Visitors are parents/guardians, family members and other members of the community who are permitted on school grounds on a limited basis to participate in educational programs or events.
Can I supervise students? 
-No. Visitors are not permitted to supervise students or be alone with students.
Do I have to be supervised by school personnel?
-Yes. Visitors are subject to the direct supervision of school personnel.
Do I have to get a background check as a visitor? 
-No. Visitors are not required to get a background check
-All visitors must sign-in and out at the school through our Visitor Management System.
What are some examples of visitor activities?
-Guest speaker/presenter at school events
-Attendee at school events open to the public, such as a play, concert, open house, curriculum night, book fair
-Attendee at classroom events, such as a class party
-Parent/guardian visiting with or having lunch with their student
-Guest reader at school event

Who is a volunteer?
Volunteers are visitors who provide assistance to schools for school events, school activities or other school needs.  School volunteers often provide assistance to schools on a regular basis, but are not required to do so.
Can I supervise students? 
-Yes. School volunteers may supervise students, work directly, and individually with students.
Do I have to be supervised by school personnel? 
-No. School volunteers may work with students with or without school personnel.
Do I have to get a background check as a volunteer? 
-Yes. All volunteers must undergo and pass a criminal background check. The requirement of a background check to volunteer is not dependent upon the length of the volunteer activity.  We recognize that not all volunteer activities are recurring.

What are some examples of volunteer activities?
Tutor (in person or online)
Field trip chaperone, including overnight activities (Note: Parents accompanying their child on a field trip must undergo volunteer background searches.)
Helping with the front office
Activity/club sponsor
Room parent
Field day worker
Testing proctor
Regular/recurring readers for classrooms
Parent groups assisting in volunteer activities

If you are interested in volunteering, please contact the school office at the school(s) where you are interested in volunteering.


Each year, principals nominate an individual who donates their time and service to their school. The nominees are honored and one is selected as the Volunteer of the Year! Click here to view recipients of the Volunteer of the Year Award.

  • Moore County Schools
  • 5277 Hwy. 15-501 South, Carthage, NC28327
  • 910-947-2976
  • 910-947-3011
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