Moore County's Welcome page


Amanda Dixon

The Moore County Schools Grants and Federal Programs supports approximately $5,000,000 in federal and private grants provided to our schools each year. The primary role of the department is to provide grants administration, program monitoring, data collection and reporting, and to facilitate the necessary technical assistance to ensure not only compliance, but quality programs for students. Compliance is the first step toward program quality; monitoring this area is the springboard to providing technical assistance.

Our mission is to ensure that federal and state education funds contribute to the goal of all students meeting or exceeding rigorous state standards. Goals for our department focus on improving student achievement and closing the achievement gaps of our identified subgroups. Our schools have a common framework and language around which to develop their School Improvement Plans and support our daily classroom focus of teaching and learning. Four pathways (Learning, Community, Culture and Leadership) were developed in collaboration with the community, staff and Board of Education members. The resulting pathways provide structure to the creation of engaging work for students, the School Improvement Plan process, and a system of measuring the schools' and district's progress that ensures accountability beyond standardized test results.

Amanda Dixon
Director for Federal Programs, Grants Administration and CTE

  • Moore County Schools
  • 5277 Hwy. 15-501 South, Carthage, NC28327
  • 910-947-2976
  • 910-947-3011
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