Moore County Schools is committed to clear, accurate and transparent communication with our community. This commitment is partly realized through the establishment and sustaining work of a number of advisory councils that serve internal and external stakeholders of Moore County Schools. Our Superintendent, Dr. Locklair, recognizes the importance of each individual's voice in our community and desires these advisory councils as a network to share two-way communication.
Advisory groups brings specific recommendations to the attention of the Superintendent, but no Moore County Schools advisory group creates or sets policy. Members of the advisory groups receive and provide feedback regarding Moore County Schools' needs, goals, strategies, policies, procedures and programs. Each advisory group focuses on district-wide, not school-based, issues.
Military Family Council
Each school in Moore County Schools hosts its own building-level parent advisory group. To learn more about your school's parent advisory process, contact your child's principal. School-specific topics and concerns are addressed at these building-level parent council meetings, whereas Moore County Schools' Advisory Council's addresses district-wide concerns and topics.
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