Moore County's Driver’s Education Sign Up: What does this mean? page

Driver’s Education Sign Up: What does this mean?

Signing up for Driver’s Education: What does this mean?

Virtual: 30 hours

1. Closer to the actual date of class, your classroom instructor will send you an email
(parent/guardian and student) with the class information and how to log into the virtual
2. Join the virtual classroom during class times. You must keep your camera on during the
entirety of class for attendance and active participation.
3. The final day of class WILL BE IN PERSON. The in person class location will be given to the
students prior to the date. During the final class, the student will take the final exam, eye
screening, and documentation verification. (We will need to see originals of the student’s
social security card and birth certificate - we do not copy or keep these items). The students
will have the full 3 hours to take the exam, but most students do not need the entire time.
Please have transportation readily available for pick up.

In-Person Classes: 30 hours
1. You will meet in the instructor’s classroom.
2. All classwork will be completed in class.
3. The eye screening may be on a different day than the final, but will take place during
regularly scheduled class time. Documentation verification will take place on the eye
screening day.
(We will need to see originals of the students social security card and birth certificate - we do
not copy or keep these items). The students will have the full 3 hours to take the exam, but
most students do not need the entire time. Please have transportation readily available for
pick up.
4. Students will have a break - please have them bring a snack.

What do I need to bring on the eye screening day:
1. 800 form (Restricted Instruction Permit) - this will be given to the students prior to the eye
screening date. If you need another copy, please reach out to the instructor. You will need to
complete the top portion only on the 800 form, including student and parent/guardian
signatures. This form allows your student to drive without an actual permit with the Behind
the Wheel instructor ONLY.
2. If your student wears glasses, please have them wear them on the eye screening day.
3. Documentation verification - originals of the student’s birth certificate and social security

It is helpful for your students to take notes during class. Notes will not be seen by the instructor,
but may help the student study.

The final exam is a 100 question test covering sections learned throughout the sessions. Questions
and answers to similar questions are reviewed in class with the students.

What happens after the final exam?
1. Once the student has completed the 30 hour class - including making up any missed time
(Up to 3 hours is permitted to make up. If any student misses more than 3 hours, they will
need to retake the course), passed the final exam (with a score of 80% or higher), brought in
originals of their social security card and birth certificate for verification, completed the eye
screening, and submitted the 800 form (top section completed), the classroom instructor
will give the 800 form to the Driver’s Education Coordinator.
2. The Coordinator will then arrange the forms in birth date order. (The older students will
drive first - class session is also a factor in assigning students).
3. Once a Behind the Wheel instructor is ready to schedule more students, they will reach out to
the students via telephone call or text to schedule a time. This process can take 6-8 months.
Please be patient. We are trying to work as quickly and efficiently as we can.
4. Once your student is scheduled to complete the driving portion of the program, you can
schedule an appointment time at the DMV for your student to take the permit test.
5. Once your student completes 6 hours of driving and 6 hours observing, the Behind the Wheel
instructor will give your student 3 forms: a Certificate of Completion, Driver License
Eligibility Issues, and the Eligibility Certificate. These forms will need to be kept together to
take to the student’s main high school.

If your student does not pass the final exam on the first try, there will be a make-up final. The
instructor will let the students know when the make up date will be.

If your student needs to make up class time (3 hours or less), there will be a make-up date. The
instructor will let the students know when the make up date will be.

If you have any questions about the Driver Education program, please reach out to the Driver
Education Coordinator:

Andrea Amorose
Driver’s Education Coordinator
[email protected]
[email protected]
Office: 910-947-2976 x 100260
Work Cell: 910-639-1350
  • Moore County Schools
  • 5277 Hwy. 15-501 South, Carthage, NC28327
  • 910-947-2976
  • 910-947-3011
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