Moore County's Register page


Pinecrest and Union Pines High School class registration will be open from 8:00 am - 5:00 pm ONLY on the scheduled registration date. There will be a Google form link that appears above the class information on the register page (scroll down towards the bottom of the page).

Consider sports and other extra-curricular activities when planning.  Contact coaches and other after-school activities supervisors PRIOR to registration to avoid scheduling conflicts. All class registration is non-refundable and not transferable to other classes.  Please make sure your student is able to attend classes that they have signed up for.  Once classes are full, transfers are NOT permitted.

If a student is disruptive during class, they will either be asked to leave class and need to make up the time or be permanently removed from the class.

Virtual Classes:
The instructors for online classes will email orientation material for their class approximately 7-10 days prior to the beginning date of the class. If you do not receive this email please contact the coordinator at [email protected] or [email protected]. Virtual classes will have live instruction for the duration of the 30 hours.
All FINAL exams will be taken in personStudents that do not have their camera on during the class will be considered absent during the time their camera is off and will need to make up time. If any time missed is over 3 hours, the student will need to retake the class (this includes completing the registration process again and repaying the $65 fee). Please make sure you are an active participant during class time.

Who is eligible to take classes through Moore County Schools:

  • Students from Moore County Schools (North Moore, Pinecrest, Union Pines, and middle schools if the student is already 14 1/2)
  • Registered home schools (in Moore County - MUST provide documentation)
  • NC charter schools (In Moore County ONLY)
  • Private NC schools (in Moore County ONLY)

A few things to know before registering:

  • The cost of a Driver Education class is $65;
  • Moore County private school and home school students are welcome;
  • The Google form will work with iPhones, but it does not work as well as other devices. If you have another device option, please use that during registration;
  • We do not accept walk-ins. You must register online to get into a class (UPHS and PHS) - in person (NMHS);
  • There are absolutely no refunds or transfers allowed in the online registration process. So be sure to sign up for a class your student can attend;
  • We use a third party company for online payment. Debit or credit cards are accepted (MC or Visa). There is a small fee added for processing;
  • **You will need you child's student ID.  The student ID can be found on your student's report card or Infinite Campus.** If you do not have this, please use your phone number with no dashes.

Who cannot attend Driver Education classes in Moore County?

  • Anyone who has not yet reached the age of 14 ½. No exceptions; it is the law. Students must be 14 1/2 prior to the first day of class. You may register your student before 14 1/2.
  • You cannot be 18. No exceptions; it is the law.
  • GED students at the college are not eligible. Students who have graduated High School cannot participate, no matter the age.
  • Out of state boarding school students.
  • Students that attend school in other counties (you must attend driver education classes that are in the county where your student attends school).

FYI - There will be important information at the top of the registration Google Form about the class. That information will also be emailed to you along with your responses to the registration.

1. On registration day - once you click the link - please complete the Google registration form with the required information and click submit.

  1. Parent/Guardian Email
  2. Student Name (First and Last)
  3. Student Email Address (if you attend MCS, please put your school email address)
  4. Student Current Grade Level
  5. Student School Name
  6. Student Date of Birth
  7. Parent/Guardian Phone Number
  8. Student ID Number (If your student attends a private school or is home schooled, please enter your phone number with no dashes)

2. You will receive an email from [email protected] within 5 days of the registration date. There will be 35 students in a class. The first 35 “eligible” students will be sent an email with a payment link for the class (you will then have 5 days to pay for the class). If your student was not one of the first 35 “eligible” students, you will receive an email that your student is on a wait list for that particular class only. Wait lists do not carry over class to class. If your student is on the wait list, I am not able to guarantee a seat in the class. (The email will come from [email protected]. Please check your SPAM folder if you do not see an email)

3. If your student receives a seat in the class, you will be emailed a payment link to pay for the class ($65). If you do not pay within 5 days of the confirmation/registration email being sent, your student will be removed from the roster and the spot will be given to the next student on the wait list.

Registration - Driver Education Classes

Union Pines High School

(J. Lyons, B. Reynolds)

ONLINE registration only


Pinecrest High School

(S. Burr, K. Neal)

ONLINE registration only


North Moore High School

(R. Hussey)

IN PERSON registration only at North Moore High School



March 10-24, 2025 (No class 3/21)

In Person class

4:15 pm – 7:30 pm


March 3-14, 2025

In Person class

4:30 pm – 7:45 pm


Registration Date February 26, 2025 at 8:00 am in person at North Moore High School

March 31-April 11, 2025

In Person Class

3:45pm - 7:00 pm



Assistance Needed?

Reduced driver education fees are available for students who are currently receiving free or reduced lunch. Complete the Driver Education Reduced Fee Application.pdf and provide a copy of the free or reduced lunch letter from Child Nutrition. Instructions are on the Fee Reduction Application. When requesting a reduced fee enrollment, you do not register online. Reduced enrollment must be submitted before online registration is full for a particular class in order to register for a seat in that class.


Consider sports and other extra-curricular activities when planning.  Contact coaches and other after-school activities supervisors to avoid scheduling conflicts. All class registration is non-refundable and not transferable to other classes.  Please make sure your student is able to attend classes that they have signed up for.  Once classes are full, transfers are NOT permitted.

Please note that if you join a driver education class with a reduced fee, if you do not show up to class, are dismissed from class, or drop out of the class (either prior or during), you will not be able to pay a reduced fee again.  You will need to register again at the full $65 rate.


  • Moore County Schools
  • 5277 Hwy. 15-501 South, Carthage, NC28327
  • 910-947-2976
  • 910-947-3011
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