Moore County's Exceptional Children's Services page

Exceptional Children's Services

LogoExceptional Children's Services is dedicated to providing a Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE) that will meet the diverse needs of our students' with disabilities.  We strive to ensure that all students are provided a quality education through specially designed instruction that will allow them to meet their unique needs and prepare them for further education, employment, and independent living.  Moore County School's Exceptional Children's Department provides a full range of support and services to students with a broad spectrum of abilities and disabilities.  Our staff is diligent in ensuring that students are served in the appropriate least restrictive environment (LRE) to promote their cognitive, physical, social/emotional, and vocational development.

Moore County Schools Exceptional Children’s Department

160 Pinckney Road Carthage, NC 28327
Telephone: (910) 947-2342 Fax: (910) 947-5489

In March 2025, the Moore County Schools (MCS) will be purging special education and psychological records of students born on or before December 31, 1998.  Any person(s) interested in obtaining copies of such records before they are destroyed must contact the Exceptional Children’s Department at (910) 947-2342 by February 15, 2025 to set-up an appointment to pick up their file.  Please note that the record to be destroyed may be needed for social security benefits, legal defense or other purposes.


Moore County Schools Departamento de Niños Excepcionales
160 Pinckney Road Carthage, NC 28327
Telefono: (910) 947-2342 Fax: (910) 947-5489

En Marzo de 2025, las Escuelas del Condado de Moore (MCS) purgará los registros psicológicos y de educación especial de los estudiantes nacidos en o antes del 31 deciembre de 1998. Cualquier persona (s) interesada en obtener copias de dichos registros antes de que sean destruidos debe comunicarse con el Departamento de Niños Excepcionales al (910) 947-2342 antes del 15 de  febrero de 2025 para programar una cita para recoger su archivo. Tenga en cuenta que el registro que será destruido puede ser necesario para beneficios de seguro social, defensa legal u otros fines.

  • Moore County Schools
  • 5277 Hwy. 15-501 South, Carthage, NC28327
  • 910-947-2976
  • 910-947-3011
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