Welcome to Moore County Schools PreK-12 Mathematics

The ultimate goal is mathematical proficiency for all students. Mathematical proficiency is "an individual's ability to explore, conjecture, and reason logically, as well as the ability to use a variety of mathematical methods effectively to solve non-routine problems." (NCTM, 1989) A strong preparation in mathematics is essential for preparing students for future success whatever they may aspire to do.
Success in mathematics opens doors for students. In addition, all citizens need a solid background in mathematics to make informed and reasoned decisions about their lives and society, including decisions about their personal finances, which public policies deserve their support, and which insurance or health plans to select. In today's highly technological world, having a solid preparation in mathematics is a tremendous asset.
Our vision for improving the teaching and learning of mathematics has been shaped by the NCTM process standards (NCTM, 2000) and the new Mathematical Practices of the NC Standard Course of Study. We emphasize mathematical reasoning, problem solving and communication. Reasoning and sense-making are at the heart of mathematics from early childhood through adulthood. We want students to experience mathematics as a creative, sense-making venture of solving challenging problems individually and collaboratively. We expect all students to develop in all strands of mathematical proficiency - conceptual understanding, procedural and computational fluency, strategic competence and adaptive reasoning. The development of number sense and insight into the many patterns and relationships that lead to computational and symbolic fluency are essential for effective problem solvers. Computational fluency includes accuracy, efficiency and flexibility.
There is no decision that teachers make that has a greater impact on students' opportunities to learn and on their perceptions about what mathematics is than the selection or creation of the tasks with which the teacher engages students in studying mathematics.
-Lappan & Briars, 1993
Brandi Allred
K-5 Math Instructional Specialist
Phone: 910.947.2342 ext. 200231
[email protected]
Arianna Thompson
6-12 Math Instructional Specialist
Phone: 910.947.2342 ext. 200223
[email protected]