Welcome! The Science, Healthful Living & P.E. Department strives to provide experiences that engage all students and encourage lifelong healthy habits.
The Science Department provides support for all science instruction, Pre-kindergarten through grade 12. We design, align, implement and revise curriculum documents, programs, and professional development that support the North Carolina Essential Standards. We emphasize inquiry, problem-solving, and STEM-driven lessons. We want students to experience science as a creative, sense-making venture of solving challenging problems individually and collaboratively. Students should have the opportunity to evaluate research and data from current scientific endeavors, as well as the chance to conduct research independently.
The Healthful Living & P.E. Department provides support for all health and P.E. instruction. Healthful living & P.E. is an integral part of the total education of every child in Pre-kindergarten through grade 12. Moore County Schools, healthful living & P.E. education program focuses on physical competence, health-related fitness, self-responsibility and enjoyment of activities for all students so that they can be healthy and physically active for a lifetime.
Lindsey Sise
M.S.Ed Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment
Science, Healthful Living & P.E. Instructional Specialist
Phone: 910.947.2342 ext.200271