In March 2021, the United States Congress passed and President Joseph R. Biden, Jr. signed into law the
American Rescue Plan (ARP) Act. The Act funds Elementary and Secondary School Relief Fund (ESSER)
III. Its purpose is to provide funding for public school units across the nation to prepare, prevent and
respond to COVID-19 with emphasis for use of funds to address learning loss through evidence-based
interventions that respond to students’ academic, social, and emotional needs; prepare schools for
reopening; and testing, repairing, and upgrading projects to improve air quality in school buildings. ARP-ESSER III appropriates over $120 billion to the states to safely reopen and sustain safe operation of
schools due to the COVID-19 global pandemic. Moore County Schools (MCS) applied and was approved for funding under ARP-ESSER III in the amount
of $17,575.450. Following is approved areas of use:
Moore County Schools ARP-ESSER III funds