Moore County's Parents page


MCS Title I Parent Involvement Plan

(Also see MCS Policy 5417 Title I Parent and Family Engagement - Updated Annually)
(Also see MCS Policy 5414 Parent and Family Engagement - Updated Annually)

The Moore County School System recognizes the vital role that parents play in the education of children. We encourage all parents to be fully involved in the education of their students and in the life of the schools. Parent support is critical for school success and improves the educational achievement of each child. Moore County Schools will strive to include parents in all aspects of district and school programming. Our goal is to maintain a strong partnership that will allow all students to experience success.

Title I schools involve parents in activities throughout the school year. Each fall, the parents of children in Title I schools are invited to a "Title I Annual Meeting". The purpose of this meeting is to inform parents of the programs and activities to be provided with Title I funds, as well as of their right to be involved in the planning and implementation of school programs. All information (oral and written) will be communicated in a format and language that parents can understand.

Each year, School-Parent Compacts (to be signed) outline how parents, school staff and students will share responsibility for improved achievement. The Compact, along with the school level Parent Involvement Plan, is reviewed annually by each school improvement team, PTO representatives and other invited stakeholders.

Curriculum nights are held each school year to inform parents of grade level North Carolina Standards, academic assessments used to measure student progress, and proficiency levels students are expected to meet. Parents will be made aware of these events via Connect Ed phone messages, school newsletters, school websites and take home flyers.

Parents are always offered the opportunity to confer with their child's teacher. A Parent/Teacher Conference Day will be scheduled early in the school year, and will be conducted on an early release day for students. Parent/Teacher conferences will continue throughout the year as needed and requested by parents and/or teachers.

If you have any questions with regards to parent involvement or Title I programming, please contact the Director for Federal Programs at 910.947.2342.

  • Moore County Schools
  • 5277 Hwy. 15-501 South, Carthage, NC28327
  • 910-947-2976
  • 910-947-3011
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