Moore County's AIG Placement and Services page

AIG Placement and Services

AIG Placement and Services 

Flow Chart

 The following table demonstrates the entire process to identification beginning with screening or a referral.  More information about screening and referrals can be found below.




Gifted and Talented Review Team meets to review screening and referral data.

Consent to Test Form sent home to parent/guardian of students who demonstrate readiness for assessment.

Testing is completed by AIG Teacher

 Gifted and Talented Review Team meets to review testing data and determine qualification for services.

Parent/Guardian meeting is held with the AIG Teacher to review testing data and potential placement decision.

 Differentiated Education Plan is developed and signed if placement is indicated.  Teachers are notified as new placements are made throughout the year.


Any person who is associated with the student may refer that student for gifted services at any time during the school year.

Parent/Community/Self Referrals

    • When a parent/guardian refers a student for gifted services, the parent/guardian completes the Parent Referral Packet. The parent will return the packet to the AIG teacher assigned to that school.
    • When a community member refers a student, the AIG teacher will first secure parent permission and then the community member will complete the Parent Referral PacketOnce completed the packet should be returned to the AIG teacher assigned to that school. 
    • Students may also nominate themselves for the program. Students who wish to self-refer should complete the Parent/Guardian Referral Packet about themselves. Once the student completes the form it should be given to the AIG teacher.


    Teacher Referral

    • When a teacher refers a student for gifted services, the teacher will complete a Teacher Referral Packet.  The teacher will return the packet to the AIG teacher assigned to that school.  After a review of records, the Parent/Guardian may be contacted for permission to test. 

Screening of Prior Test Scores

AIG teachers will periodically review scores from tests given to all students in Moore County Schools to look for potentially unidentified students.  Once a nomination is made or a student is identified through screening, additional testing may be necessary.

Multiple Pathways

Moore County offers several different levels of AIG services to students.  Students may qualify for AIG services under the following pathways.  A description of the services provided at each level is also included. 


Grade and/or Subject Acceleration 

A minimum of 60 points on the Iowa Acceleration Scale is needed for recommendation to purse grade/subject acceleration.

Pathway 1

(Qualification as Intellectually Gifted)

96th – 99th percentile composite or partial composite on an approved ability test
Trend of 90th-95th percentile composite or partial composite on two approved ability tests

Pathway 2

(Qualification as Academically Gifted, Academically Gifted in Reading, Academically Gifted in Math)

Area of Identification will match the achievement test area(s).

90th percentile or above on composite or partial composite of an approved ability test
90th percentile or higher on a content subtest of an approved ability test

If a content subtest is used then the achievement testing or EOC/EOG testing must be a subject-area match.


90th percentile or higher on an approved achievement test in Reading Total, ELA Total, Extended ELA Total and/or Math Total.
2 year consecutive trend of scoring Level 5 on EOG/EOC in Math or ELA. Scores must be in the same content area for 2 consecutive years.

 Pathway 3

(Qualification as Academically and Intellectually Gifted)

96 percentile or higher composite or partial composite on an approved ability test.


90th percentile or higher on an approved achievement test in Reading Total, ELA Total, Extended ELA Total AND Math Total.
2 year consecutive trend of scoring Level 5 on EOG/EOC in Math AND 2 year consecutive trend of scoring Level 5 on EOG in Reading


Pathway 4

(Qualification determined based on comprehensive review of portfolio)

Students are referred to this pathway via the school-based Gifted and Talented Review Team.  Students who are referred for this pathway demonstrate a need for non-traditional consideration for gifted identification.  To place via the non-traditional pathway, students participate in grade-appropriate performance tasks which will be assessed as part of a student portfolio to demonstrate gifted potential.


Moore County Schools does not routinely reassess students previously identified for AIG in our system once they are placed in the program. Parents or teachers who would like additional gifted services as provided by our plan may request additional testing 18 months after previous testing. Students who present compelling data changes may qualify for additional services. 

Once a student has been assessed for AIG services, additional AIG testing will not occur for 18 months.  This 18 month period allows time for the student to develop and mature, socially, emotionally and academically.  This ensures the best opportunity for valid and reliable test results if the student is reassessed in the future.

Transfer Policy

Students who transfer to Moore County Schools and were previously identified as gifted will be placed for services with Moore County Schools upon receipt of official paperwork showing a prior identification. Students will not be identified or served until official paperwork has been received by the AIG teacher at the school or the Specialist for Advanced Studies. Paperwork may be provided by the parent/guardian or sent from the previous school.

Military Transfer Policy
Per Senate Bill 1541 Article V (Interstate Compact on Education Opportunities for Military Children) students from military families who move into the Moore County Schools district and who were identified in a previous system are eligible for AIG services. Official records and paperwork showing prior identification must be provided to the AIG teacher at the school or the Specialist for Advanced Studies before services can begin.

AIG Services

AIG Consultation: This service option is available in grades K-12. Students who are identified but elect not to receive direct AIG services are served through AIG Consultative Services. Identification under AIG Consultative Services requires the development of an Individually Differentiated Education Plan (IDEP) for the student to set specific academic goals and plan quarterly monitoring meetings with the AIG teacher or facilitator at the school. The AIG teacher collaborates with the classroom teacher(s) to ensure the academic and affective needs of the student are being met in the regular classroom environment.

AIG Enrichment Study Groups: This service option is available to students in grades K-8. The purpose of enrichment study groups is to tap into the need for the specific intellectual development of gifted identified students. AIG teachers design these study groups to focus on developing student creativity, critical thinking and problem-solving through the use of a variety of activities such as project-based and problem-based learning, coding, robotics, and logic problems. Students identified as intellectually gifted (IG) or academically and intellectually gifted (AI) are recommended to participate in these groups.

AIG Academic Study Groups: This service option is available to students in grades K-8. The purpose of academic study groups is to enrich and extend the NC Standard Course of Study to new levels or rigor and depth that will challenge academically gifted students. AIG teachers plan with the classroom teacher to deliver these lessons to small groups either in the classroom utilizing a co- teaching model or through a small group pull-out model. This option works particularly well if the school has implemented cluster grouping. Students identified as academically gifted (AG), academically gifted in reading (AR), or academically gifted in math (AM) are recommended to participate in these groups. When appropriate, the AIG teacher will create academic study groups to
address reading and math skills separately.

AIG Independent Study: This service option is available to students in grades K-12 who require individually designed projects, mentorships or internships. Students interested in independent study opportunities will work with the AIG teacher to develop a product plan outlining the problem/issue/topic to be studied along with a project timeline and final product. Students are expected to submit regular reflections and progress updates to the AIG teacher. Upon completion of an independent study project, students should share their final product with an authentic audience.  Independent Study services are traditionally provided as an addition to other service options; they should not supplant other services offered. This service option is most often recommended for profoundly gifted students.

AIG Acceleration: This service option is available to students who consistently demonstrate work that is beyond their grade level peers. Students must meet Moore County Schools criteria for whole-grade or single-subject acceleration for this option to be considered. A minimum of 60 points on the Iowa Acceleration Scale is needed to be recommended for whole-grade or single-subject acceleration. The final decision regarding subject and/or grade advancement rests with the school principal. This service option is recommended for academically gifted students and profoundly gifted students.

Advanced Academic Coursework: This option first becomes available in grades 6-8 through compacted math coursework. Students who qualify for compacted math complete advanced academic coursework to put them on track to earn credit for the first year of high school math while in 8th grade. Students in grades 9-12 have access to a variety of advanced academic coursework including honors courses, Advanced Placement courses and community college courses. This service option is appropriate for students in all areas of giftedness, but is particularly aimed at support academically gifted students.


  • Moore County Schools
  • 5277 Hwy. 15-501 South, Carthage, NC28327
  • 910-947-2976
  • 910-947-3011
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